Thursday, June 4, 2009

M9 W3 Pistol Squat Day

Summer 2009 Training
Mesocycle 9 - Week 3

Pistol Squat Day

Beginning Thoughts:
I'm a bit late with this update. 2 things of wait 3. I'm tied up with some stuff so I won't be working out regularly till the 15th of June. To be honest, I am not even in the country: I am touring Span with my family and my next workoutwill be once I return to Bombay. I skipped Upper Body Day this week. This is a late update - my workout was 3 days on Monday.
Pistol Squats:
Left Leg: 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 15 Reps
Right Leg: 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 15 Reps
Last week I swapped the 5 kgs plate below my heel to a much much thinner 2.5 kgs plate. Last week workout was shit because I was so dependent on the thick plate. This week, workout was awesome because I learnt to cope with that. I am less dependent on that heel elevation. Very soon I expect and I aim to be completely independent of it!

Ladder Up
BW + 8.8 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 13.2 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 17.6 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 22.0 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 26.4 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 30.8 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 35.2 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 39.6 lbs x 2 reps
Ladder Peak
BW + 44.0 lbs x 2 reps
Ladder Down
BW + 39.6 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 35.2 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 30.8 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 26.4 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 22.0 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 17.6 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 13.2 lbs x 2 reps
BW + 8.8 lbs x 2 reps
Same Ladder Standing
BW x 8 reps
BW x 10 reps
Total Reps = 50
Damn this was hard!

Swiss Ball Jackknife Pike:
BW x 6 reps x 3 sets

Jhanda Sit-ups:
BW x 12 reps x 3 sets
Pistol Squats:

Overall Impression:
I hope everyone is having a good week. Thanks for reading, y'all!!!

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