Friday, April 10, 2009

M7 W3 Deadlift Day

Spring 2009 Training
Mesocycle 7 - Week 3

Deadlift Day

Beginning Thoughts:
I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should....Too many exams. Good news is that that "hell week" is officially over for now.
Medicine Ball Throws:
15 lbs x 15 reps x 3 sets

Banded Deadlifts using the Red Bands Double Looped:
195 lbs x 2 reps - This was the first struggle set
195 lbs x 2 reps - This was the second struggle set
115 lbs x 2 reps
125 lbs x 2 reps
135 lbs x 2 reps
Very bad quality of reps, IMO. I just couldn't focus and I realized only after my 135 lbs set that I had put the dumbbells (I use dumbbells to hold the bands down) too far from the cage i.e. the bands were stretched out TOO far. So perhaps this was reason for my sloppiness but even so...the center of middle back has been very sore for the last 3-4 days and it was hurting while I was deadlifting. I think it may be because of the excessive number of pull-ups I've been doing recently. 

315 lbs x 2 reps
355 lbs x 2 reps
395 lbs x 1 rep
425 lbs x 1 rep
405 lbs x 1 rep
225 lbs x 8 reps
So, the good news is that I hit 425 for a single inspite of feeling so shitty. Bad news is that my set-ups was a bit off from normal and that resulted in a whole lot of jiggling of my fat around mid-point of the rep. 405 was less jiggling but more struggling. I tore my calluses again. I am such a pussy when it comes to my calluses lol....

Medicine Ball Throws:
15 lbs x 15 reps x 3 sets

Plate Pinches:
25 lbs x 30 seconds x 3 sets
Banded Deadlifts & Deadlifts:

Overall Impression:
I think I've been working out too hard and perhaps it's time to take a few days off. I am going to Houston this weekend with some friends and I am gonna use that as an opportunity to skip my Extra Workout and my Squat Day. I'll workout on Monday with Press Day and then come next Thursday I'll start Mesocycle 8 if all goes according to plan. I am also gonna focus on my diet quite a bit. I've been recording my morning oral body temperature for the last 3 days and I think my metabolism may be in trouble - either that or my sleeping patterns are really messed up. 

In any case, I hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks for reading! 

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