Thursday, March 12, 2009

M6 W4 Deadlift Day

Spring 2009 Training
Mesocycle 6 - Week 4

Deadlift Day

Beginning Thoughts:
I think my diet has been sort of stupid for the last few days...
Medicine Ball Twists:
15 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets

Deficit Deadlifts:
355 lbs x 2 reps
365 lbs x 2 reps
375 lbs x 2 reps
405 lbs x 2 reps
385 lbs x 2 reps
I got the 405 thanks to this AWESOME powerlifter I met called Lucas. More on him later....

Did some practice. Almost got 2 on my left leg. Body was kinda burned after deads though.

BW x 5 reps x 2 sets

Medicine Ball Twists:
15 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets

Overall Impression:
Lucas. So I am still on Spring Break in Dallas and I went to work out at LA Fitness. Well, I was doing deads and this skinny tall bald dude asked me if he could work in. Ofcourse I obliged. Well, it turns out this "skinny" guy weighs 198 lbs, is a professional Powerlifter, competes in the 198 lbs weightclass in the USAPL, APF and WABDL. What's even more impressive is that he lifts raw and his total is (right now) 700/505/650. His "team" trains at Gold's Gym and they are all going to be at the Ronnie Coleman Classic in Arlington next month. I was very curious and I had a long conversation with him about training, etc...very down to earth and humble guy. I think what impressed me the most was his positive attitude. 

When I was doing Deficits, I was unracking 375 and thinking of doing 385. He stopped me and told me to load the bar to 405. I was skeptical and told him that I wouldn't be able to do it. He smiled and said "don't worry. Don't think about the weight. I'm right here. You'll get it." I think because of his confidence in me, I was able to nail that 405. 

In any case: it was a real pleasure talking to Lucas and I learnt a lot. I told him how lucky I was to have someone take me under his wing even though its online only (Eric) but he was very understanding and I spoke with him about how I train with my mesocycles and key lifts, etc. It was really nice of him to entertain a gym rat like me with barely even half his total and be so humble and down to earth about it. He gave me tips on how to get sponsored if I ever decide to do this professionally, he told me to surround myself with positive people - forming a team at my university and how to go about it. It was just great to learn so much from him. I hope Lucas performs well at the Ronnie Coleman Classic next month. Too bad I won't be here otherwise I'd go. 

In all: it was an awesome experience talking to Lucas and absorbing his wisdom.

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